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Apples are one of the most nutrient-rich fruits you can find cheaply. For the farmers, the primary question is how to dehydrate apples for long-term storage. 

How to Dehydrate Apples – Storage Reason

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This proverb is the obvious reason we use apples regularly for our health. But sometimes, getting fresh fruit in out-of-season months is difficult. We have the option to get Apples all year but the fresh taste of peak season is impeccable. But those items don’t replace the luxury of eating the real deal. 

Also, if you are a farmer, your obvious choice will be to get your crop for a longer duration than other people. We know Apples are the best fruit to be kept in cool and dark conditions. A person could argue the reason behind storing fresh Apples when we have the option to get them in cans. However, Apples in the Can don’t have the same taste or nutrients that are in the fresh ones. Thus, the urge to store the fresh crop makes us wonder how to dehydrate Apples. 

how to dry apples

how to dry apples

Another reason for storing Apples is their prices. During the peak season, fresh Apples are available at much cheaper rates. Especially for the farmers, the Peak season is the best to get the reward for their hard work. Unlike the other food items, Apples are easy to store and require a low budget. The best thing about storing the fruit is their longevity. If you are dying the Apples as per the instructions, you can keep them around for six months in air-tight containers. To up the ante, we can put the dried Apple slices in the freezer and they are best to use for the entire year. 

How to Dehydrate Apples – The Selection

Before we start wondering how to dry Apples, we must go with the selection of Apples for the process. We don’t need to go through a detailed process while selecting Apples for the dehydration process. It depends on our requirements and tastes when it comes to storage. 

Also, there is no requirement for a dehydrator to work on the Apples. The process can be completed in an air fryer or oven as well. The dehydration process depends on the Apple type and quality. But it can take anywhere between 20 minutes to 12 hours to dehydrate the Apple. 

Apples are the healthiest snack that you can find in your area. In case you like Apple chips in crispy form for snacks, select tart Apples. The best examples of tart Apples are Jonagolds, Cortland, Macintosh, and Granny Smith. These type of Apples hold their shape for a long time and have sharper flavor. Further, the Cripsy Apples also have low sugar. 

If you are looking for Apple slices that you can use as a topping, sweeter Slices will be helpful for you. These slices will shrink a bit while dehydrating but they have high sugar content. The sweeter slices are also easy to dehydrate. The best examples of sweeter Apples are Envy Apples, Pink Lady, Honey Crisp, and Gala. 

More info: Planting Potatoes The Ideal Growing Process and Storage Tips

how to dehydrate apples

how to dehydrate apples

How to Dehydrate Apples – The Preparation

There are four steps to prepare the Apples for the dehydration process. These steps are as follows. 

Step 1

Now as we get set to learn how to make dried Apples, we are preparing the Apples for dehydration. There are a few ingredients that you will require for dehydration. The items that you will require are Citric acid, Vinegar, Lemon Juice, and Water. Apples start the oxidation process as soon as we cut them in half. We need to avoid this oxidation to dehydrate the Apples. To avoid oxidation, we need to give an Acidic pre-treatment to the Apples. Take 1 teaspoon of citric acid along with a quarter cup of lemon juice. You can use 1 tablespoon vinegar in 4 cups of water. Take a large bowl and stir the acidic ingredients and water together. 

Step 2

Take a soft brush and clean the Apple surface. Now, we need to cut the Apple horizontally in pieces. The pieces should be half inch or thinner to be perfect for storage. The best way to get these pieces for the exact measurement is to get help with a Madolian slicer. To be clear, you don’t need to peel off the Apples for this second step. 

Step 3

Now add the Apple slices to the treatment bath that we went over in the first step. Leave the Apples in the acidic bath for 10 minutes for soaking. Afterward, dry them out in a colander. Since we are using citric acid, it is better to rinse the Apple slices. In any other case, we could have gone over and laid the flat. Now after lying them, use a towel and dry the Apple slices. It is wiser to use a clean Kitcen towel for this step.

Step 4

Now we need to assemble the Apples. You can add spices of your choice for seasoning. After adding the spices, lay the Apple slices in an appropriate platform to begin dehydration. It is better to not have the slices touch each other during this step. The distance between Apple slices is to ensure an airflow among them. 

Dehydration in Oven:

Before putting the Apple slices in the oven, ensure you pre-heat the oven at the lowest possible temp. Repeat steps 1-4 in the preparation stage and put the slices on the cooling rack. This addition of Apple slices on a cooling rack will help the airflow between slices. Better airflow will help the Apple slices to get a uniform dehydration. 

The dehydration may take 2 to 3 hours and it depends on different factors. The primary factors are slice thickness, Juice in the Apple slices, and humidity level at your house. As you are using the oven, make sure to keep the oven door a little open. This will allow the moisture to escape and the dehydration process to complete. Without opening the oven door, Apples will bake. Keep flipping the Apple slices after an hour. Also, make sure to change the position of slices in the oven. This way they will dehydrate uniformly. We need to keep an eye on the Apple slices during the whole process to get the best results.

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