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Cattle Panel Trellis – Introduction 

In recent times, a cattle panel trellis has gained popularity among gardeners due to its many benefits. We know a trellis is a structure that we make to support the vertical growing plants. So, the Cattle Trellis is becoming famous due to its affordability, ease of use, and strength. The original purpose behind designing this trellis was to use it as a Cattle fence. Gardeners were using it to protect their gardens from livestock. But over time things started to evolve. The cattle trellis has a galvanized steel wiring structure. Also, this system helps the climbing plants and vegetables. 

A normal Cattle Panel is 16 feet long and 4-5 feet tall consisting of a sturdy metal grip. The squares of the panel are nearly 6 inches. Further, all the cattle panels are strong enough to withstand the weight of a growing vertical plant. Also, the panel should be able to resist the changing weather. The best crops for a cattle panel are peas, cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes. Also, these plants grow vertically and a cattle trellis helps them direct their course without sprawling on the ground. 

Materials for Building a Cattle Panel Trellis

Instead of getting a cattle trellis from the market, it is better to build one yourself. The project is easy and pretty straightforward. So, you will need a few tools and basic materials. Let’s assemble the materials to build a Cattle Panel Trellis. 

cattle panel trellis

cattle panel trellis


We’ll see the details of the materials we need for building a Cattle panel before we check the mandatory tools. 

Cattle Panel

We’ll be needing a galvanized steel wire panel that should be heavy-duty. Also, the typical length of the panel should be 16 feet long and 4-5 feet tall. Further, ensure that your panel has a 6-inch grid opening. These openings are a must for air circulation for the plant. 


The number of panels depends on your requirements. Assess the size and design of your cattle trellis to check the number of panels. A single panel is enough to build a small cattle trellis. 

Support Posts

Without having support, your trellis won’t stand firmly against changing weather and livestock. Thus, you need to have sturdy posts to keep the trellis in their place. You can use a piece of metal or wood to make a Support post. 


The quantity of the support posts depends on your panels. But for a single panel, you must have two posts. If you are building a larger or complex structure, you will need more panels. 

Zip Ties

We don’t need to weld the panels with support posts. You can get Zip ties to attach the panels with supporting posts. In case you don’t have zip ties, you can select U-Clips as well. U-clips are the same thing as Zip ties but they are made up of metal. 


You will need to check the number of posts and panels on your trellis and then get the Zip ties. For a single post, you will need 4-6 zip ties. 

Ground Stakes

Till this point, you have all the basic materials that will help you build a trellis. But I recommend getting additional safety materials. So, you can get a wooden or metallic stake. The stakes will provide additional stability as they anchor the base of the trellis. 

cattle fence

cattle fence


You should check the size and weight of the trellis before getting the ground stakes. For a regular trellis, 2-4 stakes are enough. 


Now that we have all the materials for building a trellis, let’s collect the tools we will be using during our DIY project.

Post Driver or a Hammer

Now the selection of the first tool depends on the material of your post. We need a tool to drive the supporting post into the ground. If you have a wooden post, use a hammer and for a metallic post, use the Post Driver. 

Wire Cutters

If the Cattle panel is too large for you, use the Wire cutters to reduce its size. Also, you can use the Wire cutters to trim the rough corners as well. 


We need to have pliers to bend the wire ties. Also, in some cases, we’ll need to change the shape of the cattle panel. Pliers help change the cattle panel shape.

Measuring Tape

Measuring tape is essential for this DIY project. So, you can install the supporting posts and panel at the exact spot. Also, there will be a lot of cutting during this process.  A measuring tape helps in cutting as well. 


Since we are working with metal and wires, the chances of injuries are high. Thus, keep some quality gloves near your working place for safety. 

How to Assemble Cattle Panel Trellis

After grabbing all the tools and materials, it is time to assemble a Cattle Panel Trellis for our garden. If we follow the procedure, we can get our trellis in no time. 

Step 1- Measurement and Marking

Decide about the size of the trellis and by using the measuring tape, mark at the exact spot. This spot will be used to install the supporting posts. The distance between the two posts should be according to the panel. So, everything looks in order when you are done with the project. 

cattle panel trellis

cattle panel trellis

Step 2- Supporting Posts Installation

Now drive the posts into the ground on your markings. Use a hammer or post driver from earlier for this step. Ensure that your posts are firmly placed. Thus, they can provide the support to Trellis structure. 

Step 3- Positioning 

Stand the panel upright and position it with the supporting posts. Make sure that the panel is aligned and level with the posts. 

Step 4 – Securing the Panel

Now we need to secure the panel with the supporting posts. We can use the zip ties to attach the posts and panels. Add the zip ties at multiple points for additional safety. 

Step 5: Anchor the base

We should protect the base as well for additional support. At this point, our trellis is ready to use. But we can use the ground stakes to anchor the base of the trellis. If you live in a windy area, this step is crucial for you. 

Step 6: Final Adjustment

Now check if your trellis is stable enough to face the changing winds. Also, if there are any edges, trim them with wire cutters. You should make the trellis as safe as possible.

Where to Put the Cattle Panel Trellis?

After completing the project, we must place the cattle panel trellis in the garden. The position of the trellis is crucial so we can get all the benefits for our vegetables. There are a few factors that we should consider while placing the Cattle Panel Fence. 

Sunlight Exposure

Since we are using the trellis for the climbing plants, we should consider the factors for those plants as well. Most plants that benefit from the Cattle Panel Trellis are cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, and beans. These vegetables need full exposure to the Sun. This exposure means that the plant should get a minimum of six hours of Sunlight during the day. Keep this factor in mind while selecting the position of your trellis. 


As you are placing the Trellis under the Sunlight, check if you can align the trellis from north to South. This positioning is helpful for the plant as it allows Sunlight on both parts of the trellis. The position helps the photosynthesis process and allows optimal growth. 

cattle panel fence

cattle panel fence

Wind Protection

We know air circulation is important for the health and growth of the plant. But if your plant has to face too much wind, it can result in damage. Also, in case your plant survives the wind attacks, the aftermath will affect productivity. If you have a fence, building, or hedge in your garden, position your trellis near to those windbreakers. This way your plant will get the maximum protection against the wind. 


As you are placing the trellis, make sure that the trellis has a strong base in the ground. This way the structure can withstand the wind changes. If you observe dangerous winds, use extra stakes to protect the Cattle Panel Trellis. 

Soil Quality 

Soil quality matters the most when it comes to the placement of trellis. You should select soil with the best drainage system. Also, the soil should be fertile. Before putting the trellis on the ground, add some organic matter to the soil.  This addition will provide a nutrient-rich environment for the plant. 


Preparation of the soil is vital to get the best results during gardening. As you are adding the organic matter, remove debris from the soil as well. Till the soil when you are preparing for gardening. This process will help air circulation and root penetration. 


The gardening process doesn’t end only after sowing the seed. We need to harvest, water, and prune the plant. So, there should be enough space to walk around the Cattel Panel Trellis. Also, you should be able to cater to the needs of your plant from all angles. 


As you are placing the trellis, ensure that it is near to a water source. The soil of your plant should have regular moisture under the Sunlight. This combination will help the optimal growth of the plant. 

Garden Layout 

The layout of your garden is also important when it comes to the placement of the trellis. You should use the maximum space in your garden. Using the trellis helps the vertical growth of the plant. Keep the beauty of the garden in mind while placing the trellis. 

Companion Plants

If you have some plants in the garden that need shadow during the daytime, place your trellis near those plants. This way you can get double the benefit from the trellis. It is vital to avoid the placement near Sun-loving plants. 

Cattle Panel Trellis Maintenance

Now that we have installed a trellis in the garden, we must learn the methods to maintain the trellis as well. This way the structure can prove to be effective and work for a longer time. The following provides you with a detailed guide about Cattle Panel Trellis maintenance. 

Regular Inspection

We should check the anchor strength of the trellis after a few days. During the inspection, check for changes in shape or any leaning toward the ground. This inspection is a must after heavy rain and wind. If you feel any changes in the shape, check the zip-ties and tight them immediately 

Rust issues are pretty common for a trellis. This issue can end up in damages like corrosion and breakage. We know that galvanized steel is the best resistor to rust. But damages do occur after weather changes. 


Include the cleaning of your trellis in your routine task. Remove dirt, leaves, or any other debris from the structure. If any leaf or dirt exists on your trellis, it can result in moisture and rust. Regular cleaning ensures the best appearance of the Cattle Panel Trellis. 

You can use a garden hose to clean the trellis. This cleaning is required especially after the growing season. For a thorough cleaning, you can use a brush and a detergent. 

Plant Management 

We should also train the plant’s growth around the trellis. During the pruning process, remove the dead or unwanted leaves from the plant. This procedure will help air circulation and also the optimal growth of the plant. Garden ties and clips are the best tools to train the plant’s growth around the trellis. 

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1- What is a Cattle Panel Trellis?

Trellis is a structure that we make to support the vertical growing plants. Cattle Trellis is becoming famous due to its affordability, ease of use, and strength.

2- What is the original purpose of Cattle Trellis?

The original intention of the Cattle trellis was to act as a Cattle panel fence and protect the garden from livestock. 

3- What are the vegetables for a Cattle Trellis?

We can use the Cattle Panel for vertical-growth vegetables such as cucumber, beans, peas, and tomatoes. 

4- What is the material of a Trellis?

We can use both galvanized steel and wood to make a Cattle Panel Trellis.

Final Thoughts

After reading these details, we’ll build a Trellis for our garden as well. This way we can grow the vertical growing plants without consuming a lot of space.

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